Monday, April 21, 2008

Drought Seminar, Taihape 23 April 7pm

As per my last e-diary there is a DROUGHT SEMINAR (A LONGER TERM VIEW) this Wednesday night, 23rd April, at the Fire Brigade Hall (Kuku Street) Taihape starting at 7pm.

Even though there has been a bit of rain in the region feed is still very short and farmers need to keep thinking about the long term situation.

Unless we get significant growth in the next few weeks feed covers are going to be lower going into winter. To reduce stress, farmers, if they aren’t already, need to plan how they are going to get through winter.

This seminar on Wednesday night will give farmers a range of information to assist them to plan and manage their situation.


David Baker – Baker & Associates Wairarapa will talk about what farmers can do to manage through the drought situation. From the East Coast, David has a lot of experience in dealing with droughts so has a wealth of information that farmers in this region can learn from.

Paul Hughes – Taihape Vets will speak about feed budgeting. Paul will show farmers how to simply assess their current feed situation and project out what feed demand & supply situation they may be faced with over the coming months. In completing a feed budget farmers will be better able to plan any decisions that may need to be implemented – such as purchasing feed, destocking, applying fertiliser, etc.

Anthony Oswald – Taihape Vets will cover off animal health issues that may arise with the moisture and how to manage these.

Thanks to support from MAF, Taihape Vet Services, M&WNZ, Farmers Weekly.

Please encourage your neighbours & friends to come along too.

We look forward to seeing you there.

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